Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Google is taking over

So since I've seen how cool google is, and how a lot of their software and programs are more then useful I've decided to give this blog a try. The funny thing about me is that I will post blogs consistantly for about a week and then I'll forget about it and then when I want to update it again I won't be able to figure out what I should say. Another thing that keeps me from updating is that I'll say I should write a blog but then I'll forget about it 5 minute later and not remember it until I think about it again a week later. I really have a poor short term memory... I bring my keys into the house everytime I get out of the car yet I forget where I put them, and that is kind of annoying.Anyways, life has been going pretty well as of late. Ang got married on Saturday, which is pretty exciting for her and Andrew... but now the countdown to my wedding is really in place... yes it is stil 228 days away but I am starting to understand what is going on within the plans... I'm pretty sure that we're going to use the same photographers as Ang and Andrew used, but J and Cheryl knew about them first ;) and I'm looking through the book so we can get the honeymoon all set. Corrie and I have decided that I will choose where we're going and she'll have no idea until we get there. Another thing that we've decided concerning pictures is that we'll probably take them before the ceremony so we'll be able to spend more time with the guests. One good thing about our wedding being so far away would be that theres at least one wedding a month that we are attending until the end of august, so that will help us get through. Hopefully, Corrie won't get too overwhelmed with planning and I'll be able to help out where I can without getting in the way.I guess that's all I have to say about that, I'm gonna post some pictures of Ang's wedding on here as well. ok bye.

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