Monday, October 30, 2006

Update on Life

I really can't believe that there are only 68 days until Corrie and I get married. Life has been pretty hectic since my last post; my responsibilities at Church will hopefully be stepped up in the next couple of months. The Junior High Director will be moving to Michigan at the end of the year, and although I will not officially be taking that position, I will attempt to take on as much as I can. We have had some cool events at Youth Group as of late, I'll put some pictures up so you can see the craziness that is Bible Baptist Church Youth Group. One thing I wanted to let everyone know was that Corrie and I were looking for Apartments in the Hamilton area, and when she went out to look for them she only found one that was semi-big enough for us to live in, so we went up there and filled out an application on Saturday and today we found out that we got approved which is amazing because my credit isn't so hot So later this month we're going to move my stuff in there and I'm going to live there until we get married. This is really exciting because I've always had to find a place to stay, whether it was at my grandmothers, or Matt's or School or even Bruce at times, but this apartment will be Corrie's and mine, isn't that great. In other Wedding news, Corrie and I have the invitations wax sealed and almost ready to be sent out. We just need to buy stamps and send them out. It's pretty exciting, because we'll be married and that is definitely exciting. So that's about that. Maybe I'll try to update this more often. Ok bye.

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