Friday, March 09, 2007

Here I go again

You know it's real bad when you go to post a blog, and the automatic title that comes to your mind is one that you used at the end of October. I really don't know why I don't do this more often, I mean I check everyone elses blogs on a daily basis and always expect something new, yet I don't pull through, maybe I'll turn over a new blogging leaf, but I can't make any promises cause I probably won't.

What's new.... I'm married. Yup it's true. The countdown that I had for so long finally came to end a little more then two months ago, and I couldn't be more happy with every part of it. Corrie and I are now living in Hamilton NJ in a small apartment, which is on the bottom floor. If I can make any suggestions to people who are looking to rent an apartment it would be to find an upstairs place, so that you can be the one that walks around in your high heels all day and all night, or you can be the one that takes showers at 3 in the morning or have loud music playing at 6am. Now if you're not to into wearing high heels, then the other things would work fine in annoying the crap out of the people that live below you. This is something that is pretty difficult for Corrie and me, it seems like they are always home, and there is no rest for them, they're always moving, but I guess/hope with time we'll get used to it, or our lease will be up and we'll move, whichever comes first.
I still work at my church as the Senior High Youth Director and that is something that I enjoy more and more every Wednesday night. I feel as if I'm really getting to know the students, and that I'm really starting to connect with them where they are spiritually. It is trying at times, but the trying times are nothing compared the good ones if you know what I mean. Other than church I'm not doing much right now. Kind of looking for a new job because I stopped working at Olly shoes, but I guess I'm going to be picky cause I want something that will be flexible with Youth Group. Financially Corrie and I are okay for the moment but once my school bills start to come in, my want for flexibility will probably be out the window, so I'll see what happens.

As I was writing this blog I thought that something fun to do would be to show all of you who read this the evolution of me... how I became the good looking guy that I am, then I looked at the pictures that I had of myself, and realized that I'm not all that good looking, which made me remember a story about something that happened while I was in college.... A professor at PBU had just gotten engaged and he made an announcement of this engagement in front of the whole school during chapel one morning, now this teacher was/is not on of the better looking people in the world, he was a little overweight and I kid you not you could only see his eyes, nose, and mouth because of the amount of hair that covered his face, but he was smart so I guess that made up for it. But anyway, the happy couple made their announcement in front of the whole school, and I was late. I was just walking in the back door when he made his announcement, and I was standing right behind another professor who was talking to his daughter. Now this was probably the funniest thing I've ever heard in my entire life, and it's probably because it was coming from one of my Bible professors, but he said to his daughter right after the announcement was made and the applause died down "Well.... I guess everybody has a chance..." You're probably wondering why I've told this story, and the simple answer is because if you were to look at pictures of me growing up, and the awkwardness that I've portrayed for the better part of my life, you'd probably agree with me when I say that there's no logical reason why a goof like me should be married to a beautiful woman like Corrie, but alas, God must like me a little bit. So here's some pictures showing my progression, and I think that's all I have to say for now, hopefully I'll make this a more regular occurence. Hope you enjoy my awkwardness. ok bye.

6 month old awkwardness

4 year old awkwardness

8 year old awkwardness, although Michaelangelo helps a little bit in taking the notice off my rocking socks. by the way TMNT in theatres 3.23.07.

21 year old awkwardness, this is a painting just so you know.... How'd I convice her to marry me???
ok bye.

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