As Jim Smith commented on my wall yesterday "It's a good thing we don't believe in luck" Which is absolutely true. Corrie and I believe that it takes a lot of faith to pack up all of our stuff and move across country, and we've committed to trusting God in every aspect of our lives, especially when things do not go as planned.
Yesterday, started off okay. We had just gotten our blown out tire fixed in Cheyenne, and thought we might be able to get into Winnemucca sometime late at night. about 20 miles into the trip as Corrie was driving, the transmission on the truck started slipping pretty badly, we stopped in Buford Wyoming, which is just a rest stop with a population of 2, to check the transmission fluid. I'm thankful that my first car, a $100 1987 Mazda 626, had transmission problems, because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even have thought to check the ATF. So I checked the truck and it was bone dry, and I said to myself. "Oh that's the fix to the problem, we'll be fine now". So I put the ATF fluid in and we started on our way again. The truck was driving perfectly for about 10 miles, and then it started again... Great. We wanted to make it to Laramie, so that there was actual civilizatoin which would allow for our problem to be fixed more quickly.
We called Penske when we stopped in Laramie, and they sent out a service guy who was really nice. This was a blessing, cause I can imagine them sending a guy who cussed up a storm and just didn't want to help (like the guy who fixed the tire in Cheyenne). So anyway, he checked the transmission fluid and it was bone dry again. Apparently there was a huge leak, and the truck would have to be replaced. Talk about trusting God, All of our stuff was in the truck that could no longer be driven...
They found us a new truck in Fort Collins CO, which was about 75 miles South of Laramie. So they sent a couple of guys down there to get a new truck, and we had to just wait until it got back. We took our car off the trailer, left Hugo with the nice people in the auto shot and set off to explore Laramie. I was excited because there was a Sonic that we got to eat lunch at, Corrie liked it too. But by the time we finished lunch it had only been 35 minutes, and it was going to take at least another hour and half until the truck was back. So after making a Wal-Mart run, we stopped at the Laramie visitor center to see what there was to do. (Corrie was embarrassed to go in). I found that there was a mansion in town that was a musuem, so we checked it out. We ended up taking a guided tour through the
Ivinson mansion. Which was interesting... It at least took up the time that was needed.. If we didn't take a guided tour we would have been in there for 20 minutes, and would have had to find something else to do.
After our tour we headed back to the auto repair shop where they were getting ready to do the offload. I really can't tell you how nice these guys were, and how willing they were to do this work. the off load took about a hour and half, and they even helped me hook the car back up on the trailer, which can be annoying. So after 5 hours or so of being stuck in Laramie, we were on our way, with a new truck.
We wanted to make it to the Utah border by the end of the night, which was quite possible, but by 9:30 pm exhaustion had set in, and I had to start talking jibberish to keep myself and corrie awake, you can see some of that jibberish in the video update that is on facebook right now. We ended up making it to Evanston Wyoming, which is about 3 miles from the Utah border. We have about 6 1/2 hours left of driving until we get to Winnemucca, so hopefully we'll make it by dinner time.
Well that's it for the update today, thanks for your prayers. We'll send another one from Winnemucca... yes!
ok bye
Josh and Corrie