Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 1 Weigh in

So here it is my week 1 weigh in... I really can't believe it's been one week.. What else I can't believe is how much I lost.

My initial weight was 295.4 lbs
And when I weighed in this morning I was 282.2 lbs
total weight loss: 13.2 lbs
total percentage of weight loss was 4.4%

It's pretty amazing.. and I can't really believe it.. but with hard work and eating right it happened.. I know that a portion of this was water weight loss and I don't look to have this kind of loss next week, but any weight loss is a good.. Well that's about it... here's the pictures

I am a Loser update 12.10.09 and Week 1 Recap

Today started off not so good. I had planned on going swimming this morning, and I didn't wake up until 5:30.. that's the exact time I need to be at the pool to be able to lift weights and swim.. so I ended up going to the weight room, lifting weights, chest, back and legs and then came home to go for a run. Today a switch was hit in me that made jogging so much easier.. Like I've said before. I've wanted to quit before I've finished my full circuit of running/walking, but today when I finished my 8th run, I felt like I could keep on going.. I did not however because I didn't want to over exert myself to quickly.. So after I finished running, I walked for about 20 minutes and decided to try another full circuit, and I completed it.. I was even able to jog for almost 2 minutes for my last two minutes of the run.. Man was I excited. so that was my day today.

Now for a recap, I'll probably post this on a weekly basis, so people have an idea of what's gone on.. I'll post my weigh in weight, and pictures tomorrow, cause that's the actually weigh in date.. so anyway on with the recap

Friday - Started, Ran/Walked for 4 miles felt like crap

Saturday - Ran/Walked for 3.5 miles felt more like crap because my muscles were sore from the day before.. After run/walking I raked leaves for 7 hours.. yea that was awesome.

Sunday - Day of Rest

Monday - Swam for 20 minutes, then lifted weights for 45 minutes.. I felt inadequate cause I still felt like crap and could hardly swim a length of the pool.

Tuesday - I believe this was my turning point of the week. I slept in and didn't make it to the pool as planned, but went to lift weights, felt kind of sore, but was able to work through it. After lifting I ran/walked, and felt like I was starting to accomplish something

Wednesday - Failure.. I was still able to eat right, but I had no motivation whatsoever to run like I had planned.

Thursday - See above post.. I feel great

So that ends week 1 of 12 of the I am a Loser Competition. How much do you think I lost. I'm anxious to find out tomorrow morning. ok bye.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A bad Day and a rant

I guess since I've had so many good updates over the past couple of days it was about time to have a bad one.. My bad day however did not have to do with my diet.. I didn't run like I wanted to, but I think that demotivation came from what occurred earlier in the day.

I had planned on having a good day off.. but at 8:30 this morning Corrie woke me up and said that there was water everywhere, I went in to the laundry room and we found that there was water pouring from the ceiling.. I didn't know exactly how to shut it off and spent about 10 minutes figuring it out.. I finally found out that it was the swamp cooler line, it had obviously busted and I had to turn off the valve.. It's my fault that it happened. I'm supposed to winterize the swamp cooler, and had put it off and put it off, and actually last night I had planned on going up on the roof to get it done, but I guess the best laid plans are destined to fail, especially when you don't fully lay out the plans.

So anyway I went over to our friends house to borrow his ladder to get up on the roof, and put it in the explorer. I was in such a rush to get back that I took the back road, which is really just a four wheeler trail and when I hit a big bump the ladder jumped up and hit the rear windshield and completely shattered it.

It was at this point that I started thinking about money that we don't have.. Corrie and I basically live paycheck to paycheck trying to pay off school and CC debt and because of that our savings is practically $0 most of the time. We had saved a little bit so that we could go to NJ this upcoming week, but that still wasn't a lot. Because it's so cold outside we have to replace the rear windshield, and the swamp cooler line is our responsibility as stated in our lease agreement..

So with that said we're probably not going to be able to make it to NJ this next week. This upsets me so much, not because of me, but because of how much Corrie was looking forward to this trip.. But who knows, maybe $350 dollars will just show up in our bank account, nothing is impossible with God.

And that leads to my rant.. Earlier today I posted a status on facebook "I throw my hands up in the air and ask why?!" and although this may seem like it's focused to a singular comment, I know that everyone who read it probably though the same thing... and much offense was taken.. By saying to me "make sure you're asking why not? too, to the one deserves it" makes the assumption that I do not trust God, awesome. Is there somewhere in the Bible that says asking a why to God is a sin? that it's wrong to do? I've had 5 years of formal Biblical Education and I can't see a place where just asking why is a wrong things, or allows people to think that I'm not placing my trust in God. The sin comes when you ask why and then curse God when he doesn't have the answer. or are angry with God because of the situation.

So let me again state that this is focused specifically to the person that made that statement as I know this person was probably just trying to provide encouragement, and will probably read this blog as well.

Corrie and I are trusting God and who's to say that he won't provide, me asking why is me directly seeking God's will in this situation and praying that he will provide an answer.

That's all I have to say, and I apologize if my stance on seeking God's will, and being a sinful Christian human being is offensive to anyone. So that's about it.

Weigh in day is on Friday, lifting and swimming tomorrow. ok bye.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I am a Loser Update 12.08.09

So it's been a couple of days since I've updated my progress, but here it is.

On Saturday night I decided to make Sunday a complete day of rest at least from exercising. With my job as a Pastor Sunday's are always the busiest day of the week. I hardly get to spend anytime at home with Corrie and the baby. If I were to add to my day by running then it would in time become detrimental. So that's what I did on Sunday.. church and a nap. although i was able to maintain the correct amount of calories for the day.

Monday was my first day swimming.. I guess I forgot how difficult it was to swim a lot, because by the 3rd length of the pool I was absolutely exhausted.. I felt like someone was choking me, so after I struggled through the 4th length i took a good rest. after that i took it a lot slower, I mostly did freestyle(front crawl) but mixed in a couple of laps of breast and back stroke. all in all I was in the pool for about 25 minutes, and 5-7 of those minutes were spent resting.. Emily, a girl from our Old Youth Group is actually on the swim team for her college and she wrote me up a good swimming workout, which I will try on Thursday when I go back to the pool.

After Swimming, I went next store to lift some weights, a member of our church here is the Police Captain in town and is in the Army Reserves (Correct me if I'm wrong Rick), because of this he has a pretty good lifting schedule that isn't too strenuous yet difficult enough to challenge me.. On Monday we did, Chest and Back with some calf workouts, and death crunches (that's not a special type of crunch, but what I affectionately call crunches.. death. So I ended up lifting for 45 minutes, and then headed home.. Did I mention this was all before 7:00am.. That's not a time I usually see, but I've been motivated to get up and do this, and so I am.

This morning I meant to get up to go swimming, but didn't wake up until 5:30, which is the time I need to be at the pool so that I can lift weights with Rick and Madison after swimming at around 6:00am, so I decided to just go lift and run when I got back home. Today we worked Triceps, Biceps and Shoulders.. It was pretty intense.. My muscles felt like Jello afterward, but I know that's just the way it's going to be for awhile.. I definitely wasn't putting too much weight on because I was able to do every rep in each circuit, which is important, or so I'm told... The way I'll do weight training is Monday & Tuesday Lift, Wednesday rest, and Thursday & Friday Lift. I won't be working the same muscle group out two days in a row ever so it will give them a time to reccooperate from the workout.

After Lifting I went home and got bundled up to go running.. If you saw my facebook status this morning you saw that it was -1 out this morning, and I think that was without the windchill, but I was determined to get my run in. The second I started my brisk warm-up walk all the snot that was in my nose froze solid so it made it hard to breathe, but I cleared it out and kept going.. Today was the first time I felt kind of okay about my ability to complete the task at hand.. I didn't want to quit until the 6th set of running, whereas the I had wanted to quit by the 3rd set the first two times I ran.. All in all I finished the 8 sets of Run/Walking and felt real comfortable, but since I don't want to do too much to quickly I walked briskly for about 20 minutes or so, then started a new set for the last 10 minutes of the four miles..

I've tried to diet and exercise a lot of times in my life, but for some reason this time seems a lot easier and like it's accomplishing more. I hope I'm not boring you with these long posts, I'm going to post them anyway. ok bye.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I am a Loser update 12.05.09

This morning I woke up at 6:00 am, and got out of bed close to 7:00, hey don't hold it against me I'm new to this whole getting up and working out thing.. I got dressed drank some water and ate a special k bar and by 7:30 I was out the door.

I was pretty excited that I was able to complete a full 20 minute circuit of walking/running. It took me close to two miles.. after that, I walked for 30 minutes, and then did a couple run/walk cycles and went home... I didn't end up doing the whole 4 miles, cause I had to do a rake attack with the Zambia Team, and I didn't mind raking cause it would mean more physical activity. We ended up raking from 9:00am-4:00pm. I didn't rake the whole time, cause I had to leave and go get Subway for everyone.

So after two days of walk/running I'm pretty sore.. My Hamstrings, and quads are aching, and my shins are doing a lot better then expected.. I just need to push through and it'll get easier, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

ok bye.

I'm a Loser Update 12.04.09

Well day one is over. I woke up this morning at 8:00am geared up to go running in the 12 degree weather outside. It was so cold.. I'm glad I bought some underarmer knock offs at Wal-Mart or else my clothes would have been frozen, from all the sweat I tend to produce.

A lot of people have asked me what my plan for dieting is so here it is. As far as running goes I got it from Corrie that got it from a friend. It's called Couch to 5k basically it's a program that has me alternate running and walking for a specific amount of time. For example, for the first week, after I do a 5 minute warm up walk, I will run for 60 seconds then run for 90 seconds, and for each subsequent week the amount of time I run will be greater.. It's just a matter of doing it habitually.

I'm supposed to do this for 20 minutes, but I'm also coupling this with Dr. Huizenga's, from the Biggest Losers, Where did all the Fat Go diet and exercise book. In his book he recommends at 4 mile calorie burn whether it be walking, running, jogging or some combination of them, along with the correct, healthy daily calorie intake, for weight loss. Which I am keeping track of with the 'daily plate'. On this website I enter my personal information i.e. height weight age, and goal for weight loss and it calculates my daily caloric intake. I am able to enter each food item I eat, I haven't come across anything that hasn't been in their database so it's been really good. I also enter what kind of exercising I'm doing and it tells me a number of different stats, Like the daily value % of the Protein, Carbs, Fat, Sodium, Potassium etc. that I'm eating. My goal is to eat 50%Carbs, 40%Protein, 10%Fat while keeping the Sodium level as low as possible.

I consider today to be a perfect first day of the weight loss challenge. Everything I wanted to accomplish, I did. I was just barely under my caloric goal, which is awesome, and I was able to burn a lot of calories on my walk/run. which happened to be 4.0 miles exactly.. and I didn't even plan it that way.

Well that's it for now, thanks for reading, which is a great source of unspoken encouragement.

ok bye.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Silence Broken and a new initiative

So here we've been in Winnemucca for almost 9 months and I haven't updated this thing once since getting here. So consider the silence broken. So for the new initiative. 'Pastor Josh is a Big Loser'

I've listened to the Simply Youth Ministry Podcast since episode 00. It has inspired me and helped shape my personal philosophy of Youth Ministry. So with that being said, two of the hosts are rather rotund and a couple of weeks ago someone e-mailed a question about having a weight loss challenge with them. They accepted and opened it up to the whole podcast listening community. Of course I wanted in. I don't even know what the prize is and I still wanted in.

As I was thinking about how I was going to lose weight I also thought of a great idea to help keep me motivated and accountable. So I created the 'Pastor Josh is a Big Loser' weight loss pledge with my church congregation. Our Youth Ministry is taking a group of teenagers to Lusaka, Zambia this summer and there is a need to raise over $4,000 a person to participate. I thought that I would ask the church to pledge per pound of weight they think I will lose. For example if they pledged $5.00 per pound and I lost 5 pounds they would in turn donate $25.00 to our trip to Zambia. It's pretty exciting and seems like it's a creative way to earn funds, instead of just having bake sales and car washes.

So with that said, I will be attempting to keep you all updated as to my progress on a daily basis. The Contest for the podcast lasts for 12 weeks, and the pledge program at church lasts an additional 3 weeks. I'd love for anyone who feels lead to participate. If you're interested, send me and e-mail at or just a message on facebook.

And to prove what my starting weight is, I had Corrie take some pictures of me, and I'll be updating that picture on a weekly basis so you can see the progress. Don't worry I'm fully clothed in the pictures. ok bye.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

email update; Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming

As Jim Smith commented on my wall yesterday "It's a good thing we don't believe in luck" Which is absolutely true. Corrie and I believe that it takes a lot of faith to pack up all of our stuff and move across country, and we've committed to trusting God in every aspect of our lives, especially when things do not go as planned.

Yesterday, started off okay. We had just gotten our blown out tire fixed in Cheyenne, and thought we might be able to get into Winnemucca sometime late at night. about 20 miles into the trip as Corrie was driving, the transmission on the truck started slipping pretty badly, we stopped in Buford Wyoming, which is just a rest stop with a population of 2, to check the transmission fluid. I'm thankful that my first car, a $100 1987 Mazda 626, had transmission problems, because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even have thought to check the ATF. So I checked the truck and it was bone dry, and I said to myself. "Oh that's the fix to the problem, we'll be fine now". So I put the ATF fluid in and we started on our way again. The truck was driving perfectly for about 10 miles, and then it started again... Great. We wanted to make it to Laramie, so that there was actual civilizatoin which would allow for our problem to be fixed more quickly.

We called Penske when we stopped in Laramie, and they sent out a service guy who was really nice. This was a blessing, cause I can imagine them sending a guy who cussed up a storm and just didn't want to help (like the guy who fixed the tire in Cheyenne). So anyway, he checked the transmission fluid and it was bone dry again. Apparently there was a huge leak, and the truck would have to be replaced. Talk about trusting God, All of our stuff was in the truck that could no longer be driven...

They found us a new truck in Fort Collins CO, which was about 75 miles South of Laramie. So they sent a couple of guys down there to get a new truck, and we had to just wait until it got back. We took our car off the trailer, left Hugo with the nice people in the auto shot and set off to explore Laramie. I was excited because there was a Sonic that we got to eat lunch at, Corrie liked it too. But by the time we finished lunch it had only been 35 minutes, and it was going to take at least another hour and half until the truck was back. So after making a Wal-Mart run, we stopped at the Laramie visitor center to see what there was to do. (Corrie was embarrassed to go in). I found that there was a mansion in town that was a musuem, so we checked it out. We ended up taking a guided tour through the Ivinson mansion. Which was interesting... It at least took up the time that was needed.. If we didn't take a guided tour we would have been in there for 20 minutes, and would have had to find something else to do.

After our tour we headed back to the auto repair shop where they were getting ready to do the offload. I really can't tell you how nice these guys were, and how willing they were to do this work. the off load took about a hour and half, and they even helped me hook the car back up on the trailer, which can be annoying. So after 5 hours or so of being stuck in Laramie, we were on our way, with a new truck.

We wanted to make it to the Utah border by the end of the night, which was quite possible, but by 9:30 pm exhaustion had set in, and I had to start talking jibberish to keep myself and corrie awake, you can see some of that jibberish in the video update that is on facebook right now. We ended up making it to Evanston Wyoming, which is about 3 miles from the Utah border. We have about 6 1/2 hours left of driving until we get to Winnemucca, so hopefully we'll make it by dinner time.

Well that's it for the update today, thanks for your prayers. We'll send another one from Winnemucca... yes!

ok bye
Josh and Corrie

email group; Flat Nebraska, Bald Eagles, and an unexpected pit stop in Cheyenne Wyoming 3.10.09

Yesterday was a short day of travel. We left Grand Island Nebraska and drove to Ogallala Nebraska... We were really just planning on getting some food and leaving but and adventure was to come. We stopped at the Front Street Cafe, which depicted an "old west" cow town feeling. We had some good food and decided to check out the musuem that was connected to the cafe... It was pretty cool to see all the old cowboy stuff, like old barbed wire, spurs, and even chaps...

When we had enough of the musuem we decided to try our luck at seeing some bald eagles. The menu from the restaurant where we ate said that Lake Ogallala was a great place to see Bald Eagles in the winter. It even said that on one day in February 1994 there was 368 eagles spotted, or 368 eagle spottings (the latter is probably true). So we got directions and drove to the lake. I wasn't too sure we were going to see any eagles just because it would be our luck to not see any. But lo and behold, within seconds of entering the lakes dirt access road, we saw a huge male bald eagle sitting in a tree... It was amazing. We ended up parking and getting out to get a closer look, and ended up seeing 5 or 6 more eagles. Hugo was able to get out and run around, and he a had a great time. The whole experience reminds me of my favorite verse of the Bible

Romand 1:20; For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

I jokingly said to myself as we left Lake Ogallala that "it must be easier to believe in God if you live out here". But the reality of the fact is that there's no way we can deny the existence of God when we see the beautiful creation that he has given us. This creation can be seen everywhere however. Birds fly everywhere, trees grow, rivers flow, babies are born. God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature, can not be denied when we see the creation that he has given us. Awesome stuff.

After Ogallala we entered into a more rolling area of Nebraka, which was a good change of pace. we entered into Wyoming and epected to make it pretty close to the Utah border by the time we were done driving for the night. But as we entered into Cheyenne WY a truck driver told us to pull over, and notified us that the rear driver side inside tire had blown out. We don't know how long it had been like that, because it's not easily seen. We called Penske and ended up bringing the truck to a service station and had to wait 5 hours until it got fixed. So instead of continuing so late at night we stayed at the Days Inn..

We're getting ready to leave now(9:30am MDT). and could possible make it to Winnemucca late tonight, but we're not going to rush it. We'll be driving through some pretty mountainous areas, so that will probably slow us down. So we might get there tonight, but won't be upset if we don't make it untilearly tomorrow morning.

That's about it. We'll update you when we stop next.

ok bye
Josh and Corrie

email group, we're in chicago 3.9.09

Hello All,

Yesterday we left NJ at 5:00am which was really 4:00am because of the Daylights savings switch. We made some pretty good time. Hugo slept the whole way which was a definite blessing. We're so glad that we decided to leave on a Sunday because when we hit Chicago traffic was a mess. I don't think I can imagine what it would be like any other day of the week.

We're staying with our friends Dave and Susan, and it's been real nice catching up with them.

Now that we've made it out here, we have no real time crunch to get to Winnemucca. We're going to take it easy driving out there... Maybe 8-10hrs.. and get there when we get there. Thank you for all of your prayers. I've been updating facebook with status updates and pictures of the drive, and I'm attempting to upload videos of the trip there now.

We'll send another update at our next stop later tonight.

ok bye
Josh and Corrie

email group Update 1 3.8.09

Hello all,
I wanted to set up an e-mail group so I can update you on our trip as we travel this week. I will be updating my facebook regularly with pictures and videos of our trip, so you can check that out if you want. If you can think of anyone that's not on this list that you think might want to be let me know. Also if you don't want to recieve these updates then let me know as well.
We'll be leaving NJ at 5:00am which is really 4:00am because of Daylight Savings, and will be traveling to Chicago where we'll stay with friends Sunday night. this is the longest leg of the trip that we will do in one shot, so pray that we'll be able to do it safely.
We're real excited to be starting this journey, we appreciate your prayers and thoughts. I'll update you later.

ok bye
Josh and Corrie.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pet Peevs Part 2

The Volume of TV Commercials

I saw this on ysmarko’s blog the other day, but I couldn’t help but agree whole heartedly with this annoyance. I can’t count the number of times I’ve grown accustomed to the volume of a certain television program and am rudely “awakened” by the ridiculous loudness of someone talking about Womanly Hygiene products or something like that. The fact of the matter is that I am rarely enticed to purchase any of the products that are being advertised, and it doesn’t matter how loud the marketers decide the commercial should be, it’s not going to change my mind. I would guess that commercials make some money on from advertising at 1,000 decibals, but the only things I’m going to be purchasing are earplugs.

One thing that I do enjoy about commercials is how during the Price is Right, which airs at 11am, shows only hover round commercials, or a way to lower the cost of Diabetes medicines. Now that’s using demographics.

Automated Phone Services you have to speak to

Have you ever tried calling a customer service phone number? It would be silly to think that you’ll ever get to talk a “real person”. I don’t mind having to hit a thousand numbers to get to nowhere, but I can’t stand having to speak to the service. They tell you to briefly state the problem you’re experiencing, for example “I can’t get find the on button for my computer” and the response you get from the system “did you say; you have a clogged toilet” or something so far from what you actually said that you just hit 0 over and over again until you overload it and it puts you on hold for 30 minutes until you get to talk to someone.

Slow walkers

I wouldn’t consider myself to be a fast walker. I wouldn’t consider myself to be even a moderately paced walker. But I have “crowd anxiety” and there are so many people who walk way to slow for the flow of foot traffic, in any number of public places. All I have to say is speed up or move over.

Putting toilet paper on the roll incorrectly

This is probably something that bothers me more then any other thing in the entire world. Toilet should be put on the roll so that the end hangs over the roll (away from the wall). I’ve pictured the correct way. If the toilet paper is placed on the roll in the opposite way, you run the risk of prematurely ripping the toilet paper and not having enough to finish the job. I know I’d rather have supple paper to complete the job at hand(so as to not complete it with my hand).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pet Peeves part 1

Corrie and I are living at her parents’ house right now until we move to Nevada in a couple of weeks. Since living here we've grown accustomed to watching Wheel of Fortune at 7:30 every evening. I wouldn't consider myself an amazing Puzzle Solver, or even a possible contestant on the show, but there are a number of things that bother me about the show, and I thought I'd share them here.

Constant Clapping
If you've ever watched this game show, you may have noticed that whenever Pat isn't talking or someone isn't calling a letter the contestants are clapping. Why do they clap? I know it's probably because the show’s producers mandate it, so that there is as much excitement generated as possible. But seriously, it's a little too much. I know if I was on the show, I wouldn't want to be clapping while the wheel was spinning. I would be more interested in making sure I didn't hit a Bankrupt or Lose a Turn, and that's just when it's my turn. I wouldn't want to clap when my opponents were spinning either. This would instill in them a false sense of encouragement, as if I truly care that they've landed on the trip to Mexico, or the $5,000 space. The thing that bothers me the most about this is that every once in a while you get some idiot on the show who wants to impress Vana with his ability to clap and all you hear for the entirety of the 30 minute program is the contestant clapping as loud as he can. Just stop clapping.

Buying a Vowel before solving a Puzzle
For those of you who aren't familiar with the show, you wouldn't know that if you want a vowel you must purchase it for $250 from your prize money. This has been a staple of the show since its inception. Sometimes you can make a good decision to buy a vowel like an "e" and get 5 of them and only have to pay $250. I am not against buying vowels, as they are significant pieces that are needed to solve each puzzle that Vana throws up there on the board. My annoyance stems from the fact that a contestant will be spinning the wheel, and making a lot of money and have the entire puzzle almost nailed down, and they look to Pat ask to buy a vowel, and without even thinking about spinning the wheel to make their $250 back they solve the puzzle. What's the point? If you know the solution and you don't want to risk hitting a bankrupt by spinning the wheel again, then just solve the puzzle. Why would you waste $250 for a vowel that you already know is there? I know that there are circumstances when this happens and the contestant does not know the answer before they buy the vowel, but it seems that more often than not the case is that they're just being stupid and throwing away their money.

Bonus Round puzzles with Q, Z, and J
At the end of each show, the contestant with the most prize money moves onto a bonus round where they can win anything from a new car to money ranging from 25,000-100,000. They must spin a mini wheel to randomly select a prize card that is held by Pat until the completion of the Bonus Round. The Puzzle is then brought onto the board and the Letters R-S-T-L-N-E are entered into the puzzle if they are of course part of the solution. The contestant then must provide three more consonants and one more vowel. Here is where I get annoyed. The most common set of letters that are given by a contestant are C-D-M-A, sometimes using an F or an H or a different vowel to help complete their puzzle. It makes me angry when the answer is Zoology or Qualified of Jumping Jacks. Who in their right mind would pick those letters? The contestant had just gone through 6 or so puzzles during the regular puzzles in the normal round and not once has one of those letters come up in a puzzle. This instills in the contestant a false sense of security. They probably quickly say to themselves "There's no way a Q, Z or J would be in the puzzle, I'll just go on with what I know works" Roasted. If I were a contestant and they pulled that kind of stunt on me I would take that card that Pat opens up telling me I just lost a new Jeep Cherokee, rip it up and throw it into his face as I stormed of the stage. I wouldn't clap as they would probably want me to, and I wouldn't find solace that I walking away with $6,000 cash and a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. Because I know if they just had a normal Bonus Round Puzzle I could have won, and that sweet Cherokee would be mine.

The Pat Sajack and Vana White Minute
After the show is over you may notice that it's only 7:54pm. If you're like me you might say, why they end so early. The answer is because Pat and Vana get to talk about what's going on in their life. No one care that Pat is an honorary deputy sheriff, or that Vana has trouble with dry skin in her armpits. You're C-List celebrities, and if anyone really cared then we'd see your names in the tabloids more often. Get rid of the Pat Sajack and Vana White Minute and add another puzzle to the show.

That's my two sense. Another thing that kind of irks me but not to the point of annoyance is when Pat gives the wheel a final spin for the last puzzle of the game. He's been doing this for 20+ years, you'd think that he'd hit the $5,000 place a little more often.

This is just the beginning of my pet peeves as I will call them. I plan on posting more, so look forward to them.